ARIES March 21 to April 20 As the day unfolds, your determination gets stronger. When you make a start, however small, on your most meaningful New Year resolution, the rest will follow. As for relationships, it is smart to take a break from the serious side of love-planning and enjoy the moment. Single? “S” identifies a potential new love. TAURUS April 21 to May 21 You are good at recognising others’ talents but the Neptune-moon merger tells you to turn the spotlight on yourself. You might soon hear an audience cheer. Love-wise, you are tough and ready to compete for the partner you want – and perhaps even establish some simple relationship rules. GEMINI May 22 to June 21 Your year might start with a sigh of contentment as so many of your plans get the right results. Yet by the evening, there will be action, excitement and the kind of passionate attraction that could rewrite your future . Your work life could get an upgrade too after you talk to someone just back from...